Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Good evening all! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, had some trouble with my computer, needed to do a little tuning up on it but now I'm back up and running again. Please check out my new button: so cute! Thanks to The Cutest Blog on the Block for designing such a neat looking button, hopefully you will be posting my button on your blog and spreading the love: I would love more followers! In the next couple of days depending on when I receive my package from My Blog Spark, I will be posting my very first giveaway and I am really excited to be given the opportunity being as new of a blog as I am. It is going to be a great giveaway too and I'm sure you will all love it! Talk to you all soon!



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*It's not about getting thru it...it's about getting something out of it.
Bob Harper
*I can't save you, you have to save yourself.
Jillian Michaels
*Stand up and finish what you started.
Bob Harper
*This isn't about winning a game, it's about fixing what's broken.
Bob Harper
*Can't is just a reason to quit.
Jillian Michaels
Hard Work, Dedication...-Dolvett Quince

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