Join us for Follow Me Back Tuesday
Hosted by Survey Junkie,Little Yaya's,
& this weeks Guest Host
Kenna from
( Do Not Link Your Giveaways.. This is not a giveaway link up.. All links not linked to your FMBT post or your homepage will be deleted )

It's a great way to start off your week & get more BF's !!
We will draw a Guest Host every week from blogs linked
for the #5 Spot for the following week :)
for the #5 Spot for the following week :)
( In order to guest host FMBT you must follow all 4 host blogs )
How it Works
- Follow all 4 Hosts & Guest Host - Spots 1-5 leave us a comment w/ your blog url so that we can follow u back ( only leave a comment that you follow if you actually follow )
- Snag our button to add to your FMBT post then post on your blog
- Add your blog to the list- using the link from your blog post( NOT YOUR BLOG HOP or GIVEAWAYS PLEASE ) These entries will be deleted.
- Follow as many blogs as you would like, Make sure you leave them a comment so they know you stopped by . Then Follow Back everyone that follows you & comments.

Tuesday Tag-Along button art adapted from the "Follow the Leader" illustration by Diana Jones. I encourage you to visit her at her blog, Sketch & Jones, and her online shop to see more great illustrations and all sorts of wonderful crafts!
Without further ado...
Here's how it works:
- Create a new Tuesday Tag-Along blog post. Include the Tuesday Tag-Along button by copying and pasting the code above. (You are also welcome to copy and paste these instructions in their entirety, or any portion of this Tuesday Tag-Along blog post!)
- Add your blog name and the URL of your TTA post to the MckLinky below.
- Follow Twee Poppets, the hostess blog listed in the first slot. Twee Poppets will follow you back! (Note: If you want Twee Poppets to follow you back, you MUST leave her a comment saying that you are a new follower and leave a link to your blog!)
- Follow the Blog Hopper of the Week, listed in the second slot. To learn how to be chosen as the Blog Hopper of the Week, read the red text below.
- If you can, please follow the blogs in the three slots before you (e.g., if you're number 20, follow numbers 19, 18, and 17). This is not mandatory, but it will help ensure that everyone who signs up gets a few new followers!
- Follow as many other blogs as you want. The more you follow, the more that will follow you back! Be sure to tell them that you're following from Tuesday Tag-Along! You may also want to leave a link to your blog so they can return your follow more easily.
- When you get a new follower through Tuesday Tag-Along, be sure to follow them back! It's just common courtesy. :)
There is a new list every week. The link you enter one week will not carry over to the next week's MckLinky. Please link up again each week to join in the fun!
Tuesday Tag-Along Blog Hopper of the Week:
Note: To be eligible to be Blog Hopper of the Week, you MUST place the Tuesday Tag-Along button somewhere on the main page of your blog or website (Inside a blog post does NOT count; it must be on the actual page, e.g. in the sidebar. And since I'll be checking for it manually, I must be able to actually find it). If the randomly-drawn winner does not meet this condition, a new winner will be randomly selected. If you do not want to place the TTA button on your site, you are still more than welcome to join in the blog hop, you will just not be eligible to be the Blog Hopper of the Week.
Each week, one blog will be chosen randomly from all the links, and that lucky blog will be placed in the desirable second slot for the following week's MckLinky!
This week's lucky blog hopper is #15 - H2O at Home with Kerri! Congratulations!
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