Welcome to the "Welcome Wednesday" blog hop, hosted by Take It From Me! Welcome Wednesday is a great way to meet new people and learn new things as well as increase your blog followers! So let's have some fun!!

1. Follow the Welcome Wednesday Host (Take It From Me) as well as the 2 Spotlighted Blogs of the Week. (These will make up the top three slots on the Linky)
2. Link up your blog name and URL with our Linky. (You only need to add your info once for it to be seen on all the blog hops)
3. Grab our Welcome Wednesday button and include it in a post about the event on your blog.
4. Go to as many blogs on the MckLinky as you want and Follow them. Be sure to tell them you are from Welcome Wednesday!
5. Be sure to Follow back any followers you have gained from our Welcome Wednesday event!
------Blog Spotlights of The Week-----

1.) Jenny from The Freebie Addiction wrote: "Hey guys and gals! My name is Jenny and I'm from Vancouver, WA, just right across the bridge from Portland, OR. I originally started my blog to showcase different ways I was getting stuff for free, like on GPT and incentive sites. But, then blogging started taking up more of my time - which left me neglecting the other sites I used to participate on. So, I started focusing more on frugal needs, since everyone loves deals. Now, you'll find that you can save and make money online by visiting my blog. I post work at home opportunities occasionally, when the good ones come around. I'm still learning and have a lot to improve on blog wise, but with time, I hope to accomplish the ways of the bigwigs when it comes to frugality."

2.) Page from Thrifty, Nifty, and Wise wrote: "I have to tell you folks, I'm a happy girl. I'm married to a Navy man and we're living a seemingly chaotic life - but it's perfect for us, you know? I love to spruce things up - add some flair, if you will. I adore fabric, especially when I can use it without running my sewing machine. Organization is my friend. Cooking is also my friend. I really can't believe how much I love to read a cookbook. My real favorite color is purple. My practical favorite color is green. The truth is, I'm excited about being able to take a new house in a new town, umpteen times in the next umpteen years, and turn it into a home. And bring life - our life - into this place. Otherwise, it just wouldn't be a home."
-Put the same linky list code on your blog and you'll have the exact same list!
- Your blog visitors can add their blog to your list and it will show up on Everyones lists!
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