The winner of the $65 CSN Stores Gift Certificate is:
COMMENT #50-Lynda Del
The winner of the $50 Cards Direct Gift Certificate is:
COMMENT #26-Anja M.
The winner of the Precious Moments Luxury Plush Blanket is:
COMMENT #63-Tiffany Christie
The winner of the CelebriDucks Cocoa Canard Duck Set is:
COMMENT #1-Ladytink_534
The winner of the $30 Cushion Source Gift Certificate is:
COMMENT #27-LLL with Leslie
The winner of the Artterro Craft Kits is:
COMMENT #3-Ronda
The winner of the Wow Wow Wubbzy Goes to School DVD is:
COMMENT #2-Reggie Mann
The winner of the $50 Dakota Personalized Gifts Gift Certificate is:
COMMENT #27-Christine Jensen
The winner of the Nature's Path HUGE Breakfast Package is:
COMMENT #17-Tiffany Christie
The winners of the Lakeshore Candle Co Candles are:
COMMENT #16-Yona Williams
COMMENT #40-LLL with Leslie
COMMENT #1-Ronda
COMMENT #7-Tiffany Christie
COMMENT #24-Christine Jensen
Congratulations to all of the winners. As you may have noticed, there are A LOT of repeat winners for some of these giveaways. The reason being there were quite a few of these giveaways that had the same amount of entrants. I am hoping to do a better job of promoting my future giveaways and getting more people over here to my blog to enter. I will be posting MANY MORE NEW and exciting giveaways starting on Thursday or Friday of this week. Trust me folks, I have a ton of giveaways to post that I have fallen behind on. Have a great rest of the week!

Thank you for choosing me as your winner in two of these!! Congrats to the other winners.
Congrats winners!
Thanks for choosing me as the winner of the Wow Wow Wubbzy Goes to School DVD :)
Thank you for all the awesome giveaways and the hard work you put into your blog.
Congrats to all the other winners!!
Have a great day.
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